On this page you can find my current main research interests and short descriptions of the main research projects I am currently involved.
Click on each of the projects below to check its description.
Software systems today control our interactions with both public and private institutions and increasingly process personal data from various sources to provide context-aware, personalized services. Moreover, these systems often consist of numerous distributed, continuously updated and possibly failing components, running on different platforms and developed by different programmers. This has led to governmental strategies, initiatives and laws requiring privacy-by-design, robustness and accountability of software systems. Indeed, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has made it a legal requirement at the time of designing software systems to ‘implement appropriate technical and organisational measures … in an effective way … in order to … protect the rights of data subjects’. There is, however, no native support for accountability and privacy in state-of-the-art programming technologies, and the present techniques for achieving robustness are not designed for the highly distributed and dynamically evolving systems being build today. The research objectives of PAPRiCaS are to provide foundational concepts for novel programming technology natively supporting privacy-by-design, robustness, and accountability for Context-aware Systems (CaS) and validate the concepts and technology in the lab.
Further Information: Link
The profound digital transformation of society leads to a variety of disruptive trends, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, and Big Data. They raise the need for novel approaches to software architectures in order to handle the ever-growing dynamicity of business and make decisions at real-time based on events. Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a key technology to achieve this goal. EDA is a loosely coupled software architecture, where each component executes upon receiving an event. EDA therefore is the key to enable a real-time event flow across components in a digital eco-system, and hence to enable a quick and agile response to the change of business. In this project, we will envision the next generation of EDA, and develop an innovative actor-based EDA programming framework with high data consistency and high system efficiency to simplify the development of complex digital EDA systems. Applications within IoT and Logistics will be used as case studies and evaluation scenarios.
Further Information: Link