[15/10/2021] A research paper accepted at the Journal of Systems and Software: Cataloging dependency injection anti-patterns in software systems. This work presents the results of my master thesis in software systems.

[16/08/2021] A research paper accepted at PVLDB' 21: Data Management in Microservices: State of the Practice, Challenges, and Research Directions.

[29/06/2021] Our research group was highlighted in the Department of Computer Science News Section.

[24/05/2021] I'm glad to announce that I have two demo papers accepted at DEBS '21. Further information about our DEBS papers can be found here.

[30/04/2021] I'm glad to announce that I have a paper accepted at the research track of DEBS '21. We present a vision on how a database system can address data-centric microservice applications by design.

[04/07/2020] I'm glad to announce that I am a recipient of the TALENT Fellowship Program, a doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union.

[19/05/2020] I'm glad to announce that I have a paper accepted at EuroMicro SEAA in the Cloud Native And Dev Ops (CNADO) Technical Track. We present an experience on how a legacy big data system can be redesigned as an event-driven microservice architecture.