Rodrigo Laigner is a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at University of Copenhagen .
He is a research scholar in the Data Management Systems (DMS) Group at University of Copenhagen since 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Yongluan Zhou. Has also been co-advised by Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles DMS is part of the Software, Data, People & Society (SDPS) Research Section from the Department of Computer Science at University of Copenhagen. His main research interests are scalable applications in the cloud and cloud data systems. His research output is available in publications.
He holds a Master's in Informatics from PUC-Rio (2020). It is noteworthy that the postgraduate program of the Department of Informatics is evaluated by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Postgraduate Education (CAPES) as being of international excellence (maximum score, 7). Has successfully finished the master's thesis before the deadline, with related publications, and high academic performance.
Rodrigo holds a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Brazil (2017), in cooperation with University of Colorado Denver (UCD), USA (2014-2015). The Information Systems major received the maximum grade in the annual test ENADE (Brazilian assessment test for higher-education) in 2015. The results of his bachelor's thesis was published in SEAA 2018. Due to his academic performance, has been invited by the Computer Science department to pursue graduate studies.
Relevant venues have accepted his work for publication, such as ACM SIGMOD, Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), ACM DEBS, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), and EuroMicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). Furthermore, he has worked extensively in industry with projects related to scalable web architectures and data systems.
Feel free to contact me. Specially if you are a researcher looking for collaboration.
Department of Computer Science - University of CopenhagenSpoken Languages: English (fluent); Portuguese (mother language); Spanish (intermediary); Danish (basic).
[MSc] Andreas Muller. Advancing PostgreSQL for Highly-Partitioned and Distributed Applications.
[MSc] Alibek Cholponbaev (2024). Rethinking Database Systems for Efficient and Safer Async Applications.
[MSc] Zhexiang Zhang (2023). Benchmarking Data Management in Statefun with a Microservice-Oriented Benchmark.
[MSc] Adam Zdziechowski and Klaus Philipp Theyssen (2023). Monitoring Safety Properties in Event-Driven Microservices. Co-supervision with Yongluan Zhou.
[BSc] Oskar Uldall (2023). Designing Event-Driven Microservices on Azure Fabric Platform.
[MSc] Marko Milic (2022). Application-Level Data Integrity Enforcement in Event-Driven Microservices. Co-supervision with Yongluan Zhou.
[MSc] Anna Lesniak (2021). Enforcing Data Consistency in Event-Driven Microservices through Event-Based Constraints. Co-supervision with Yongluan Zhou.
[MSc] Prangshuman Das (2021). Identifying and Quantifying Feral Anomalies in Event-Driven Applications. Co-supervision with Yongluan Zhou.
[MSc] Big Data Systems (ACS), 2021-2025, Block 2. Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Science.
[MSc] Advanced Computer Systems (ACS), 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, Block 2. Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Science.
VLDB 2024 and 2023, EDBT 2023, ICDE 2024 and 2021, CIKM 2021, ICDE 2020, CIKM 2020, SSDBM 2020