PhD Fellow in Computer Science
University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science
[02/2025] Tutorial accepted at SIGMOD'25: "Transactional Cloud Applications: Status Quo, Challenges, and Opportunities".
[11/2024] I gave a talk at SoCC'24 about our recent accepted paper.
[11/2024] I am co-teaching the Big Data Systems course next block. We are revamping the contents with novel research work and state of practice. We will focus in data-centric programming for the cloud this year, including models, algorithms, and systems. Reach out if you want to hear more.
[10/2024] Paper accepted at SIGMOD'25: "Online Marketplace: A Benchmark Data Management Systems in Microservices" (link).
[09/2024] Paper accepted at SoCC'24: "Rethinking State Management in Actor Systems for Cloud-Native Applications" (link).
[09/2024] I am starting a 2-month visit to the Data-intensive Systems Group at TU Delft, chaired by Asterios Katsifodimos. We will explore topics about scalable data-intensive applications in the cloud.
[08/2024] I gave a talk about our ongoing work on rethinking DBMSs for asynchronous applications at CoPLaWS’24.
[08/2024] I released a preprint of our study about challenges of event management in microservice architectures (link).
[05/2024] I gave a talk at ICDE 2024 about benchmarking data management systems for microservices (link).
[04/2024] I am organizing the SDPS Workshop 2024.
Rodrigo Laigner is a fourth-year PhD fellow in the Department of Computer Science at University of Copenhagen under the supervision of Prof. Yongluan Zhou. Previously, has been co-advised by Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles.
His research targets building efficient and consistent data systems for data management requirements found in new approaches for distributed applications, such as actors and microservices.
Rodrigo has been working on the novel vision of Microservice-Oriented DBMS (MODB). A release of a prototype is expected in the upcoming weeks.
If you are a student from the Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Science and have an interest in pursuing a thesis in topics related to cloud and data systems, do not hesitate to contact me.
University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science
PhD in Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
Advisor: Yongluan Zhou
Co-advisor: Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles
MSc in Informatics, PUC-Rio
Advisor: Marcos Kalinowski
BSc in Information Systems
Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in cooperation with the University of Colorado (Denver)
Advisor: Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro
Co-advisor: Marcos Kalinowski